I am already done with today. 

Some days are better than others. 

And  those "other" days are daunting. Today is an "other" day, and I wasn't fucking ready. It came without warning; the sun has barely crested the horizon, sky still shades of pink and burnt orange as the visible light spectrum bends through the atmosphere and pierces my retinas in the staff parking lot. How did I end up here early? How did I end up here at all? I know it's blisteringly cold right outside of my little car. The kind of cold that makes your bones feel brittle, like they're about to crumble to a fine ash and be reclaimed into the universe as stardust. Ah, the circle of life. 

Fuck, I really don't want to go to work today. But I'm not early anymore - I’ve been sitting still too long, and I have to leave the protection of my little car now. Time to clock on.

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